Today's model is louis and he has good smile
She has really nice smooth paint on her painting which shows her character and originality, very clean and calm expression, It has nice quality of graphic aspect and nice painting.
You captured nice expression of his face and nice tone of color too, it has good volume for face and well painted.
You captured very good expression of face and has nice skin color and background deep green color supporting face color well. good.
Your first time oil painting is good and shows good atmosphere of his, little smiling and expression created by you which is nice.
Your first painting is good and shows his expression and captured light and shade well on face,
Your imaginary lady has nice expression and strong character with strong hair color but red hair supporting face color well and very nice color together.
Your touch of brush is interesting and has character, bold touch but shows enough description of face and hair. good.
Your imagnary painting shows always your world of love and spirits, such a strong background as movement is wild, has somekind of message from deep inside of yours.
Spirits of ocean and fisherman guardian spirits, it's interesting painting with abstraction background. It has such a impact of your story and good painting for originality.
Your instinct painting come from your un-conscious mind and instinct, love and peace, it is very abstract but shows realistic image as mind and method, interesting.
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