Today's Model
Painting Class today
Inspiration of Balinese girl to your girl, it is so imaginary painting with own story as liquid moon, painting as poetry so you don't need grammar to paint, color and composition and expression is free for you, good painting.
You captured face well, and steady composition also makes calm painting, it is not necessary to paint as she is, you can put your own impression, well done.
You have own expression of face also color and atmosphere which is soft and tender expression that makes figure so feminine and sensitive, you have own style for painting that great to continue more so, you get see yourself in your painting well.
You have another idea today for more graphic idea of painting and bold and strong touch, good face expression and no hesitation way you paint which is very important.
Your second painting is your imaginary girl with dark skin, nice color of face and shows good expression too, you can touch little more next week to finish this painting.
You did good work for first time for oil painting, and you captured good angle of her face and way she looking at, also background is nice and interesting lighting, skin color is good too.
Your lightin from back is interesting as her face in shadow, also nice skin color of Balinese to express tropical woman with fancy clothing, I like wat you put light which makes painting warm feeling.
The color of face and clothing and head accessary are very nice and fits together, also interesting for her eye expression of sidelong glance which creates her expression as lively, also light of edge of face is good touch.
Your portrait of pope is good captured soft and gentle expression of face and color also nice and soft which helps gentle image by color too, nice rough touch of brush but shows sensitive expression.
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