Her first oil painting is good as way she put colors is wonderful, they are supporting each other and well contrast each other, cool color and warm color also supports each other nice painting.
Painting of garden of villa and it has good aspect of pureness, and captured light by colors, simple but has good atmosphere of painting.
She is getting so good to use pallet knife for paint and this image is her imaginary of Australian landscape, dynamic and strong expression and powerful image. very good.
It is nice flower painting blowing leaves by wind and painting tip touch for flower and creates texture and volume, color and free stroke of brush makes good movement to show wind, good.
Your seven birds painting is so lively they looks like singing together and such a happy feel ing for image and way you paint and colors is so good and chosen freely, also has two different element of background like cooler bottom and spring like above, nice painting.
You painted eye good which has most of expression aspect of this painting and soft atmosphere with nice color and texture, it is nice touch for leaf un front that makes depth and story of her, good.
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