Today's Model
You captured background with model well, it has nice depth to it, also good expression of her face and creates good atmosphere, color is also nice and has good contrast too, good.
It is interesting as your landscape with figure, big landscape for background makes her part of nature, sky and color of grass has nice light too.
It is interesting that your imaginary figure and background is beautiful and supporting figure well, nice color and texture of background. it;s good one.
You are establishing your own style and mood for painting which is good as originality for painting, colors and way you make face so delicate and smooth, good.
It's a nice painting and you made background last week and today you made figure but fits so well and shows his atmosphere and good expression. you also creates good three dimension effect and good painting.
You have good observation eye also good skill for painting and you can express well with realistic aspects, good expression her face and light you captured, very good.
Your expression of abstraction is interesting with power of spiral and shows center conscious painting with a lot of color which represents light, good.
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