Today's model / balinese girl
It has nice soft one of color and whole figure is good for paint and more atmosphere and situation of figure including her dress, simple composition shows simple expression too.
Your first oil painting came out good, and color is interesting looks fading but has atmosphere, yellow pops out well against gray background.
You captured young girl face and expression good, rough touch of brush but sensitive expression which is good. color in background also free touch and color makes lively.
You did good, you captured pure expression of girl and so innocent looks which is part of expression and color and contrast of black hair works well, good.
Your angle of face and composition is good but you put black eye first so difficult to fixing but came out nice and has mood of her, remember light color first and darker next.
You have lost stiffness of figure, it has relaxed pose and expression now, you start understanding face and light and shade, color is nice and soft, it has certain mood in painting.
It is interesting that your painting with pattern and nice color too, it;s like effects of pointillism and disguise. It is nicely blending with background too.
Your abstraction painting has nice tone of color and sensitive texture which creating mood of painting. color is nice and kind of symbolic painting.
You finish old lady painting, looks good and good expression of face, color is also nice, it has lively face with good smile.
Your imaginary painting of goddess has so strong and elegant, divine with rainbow colors, strong movement and light is your fiction of world and so free touch which makes painting so free expression.
The color is so vivid but not separated, all the colors are supporting each other, texture of background is softer because of her face has strong texture so contrast effects, nice colors.
You did not like this painting, so you did expressed by finger to erase the painting but this is expression, and not portrait but art painting, because you disappointed and anger made action to make this painting so it's strong and expressive painting.
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