
Sanur Painting Class June 19th '13

Your imaginary pose and expression is good and original, soft pastel tone of color also work as feminine  and moody, expression of face is good even rough touch but it has enough description of feeling, good.

It is interesting painting because of you did not care about academic aspect, just paint with your instinct creates strong and bold expression which is one of your aspect inner of you. but nice expression of her she is serious looking and cheerful even colors are dark on face, nice.

You captured nice expression of face and good lighting off ace which creates as three dimension effects, also light brown color make moody effect, good.

It has few color but you made her enough description to feel her expression, so that's enough. sepia face and gray background works as classic photo like, the eye is good she has liquid eyes which creates emotion of her, good.

It is confusing to paint as you see, but you can eliminate some part you think not necessary, and make own figure, need contrast for clears image and paint shape first and put shadow to creates form.

Your face has very serious and strong expression lady, and staring face is good as looking at somewhere, see how background effects for figure and you can see the face more clear also expression.

Your background os good and motif of leaf and green and red which is good contrast and lady, it has dreamy aspect and fantasy kind of atmosphere, good.

You have good posing and captured innocent expression of face and how she is looking far a way, without chair and cushion looks like dancing, color is nice and light, good.

Your background texture is nice and shows depth between figure, and face has interesting expression as she is curious for something, and nice to be fade out bottom part which makes like lighter and dreamy too.

Your landscape painting has depth and nice light you captured, also good perspective effect, big tree looks big and texture of wall is good too.

It's funny painting but good, nicely done like cartoon, but if you painted background to show more story then become more painting like, you can be combine cartoon and realistic background will be interesting.

This painting has more story as man's profile in front and some shaman in the back, then surrounding if you painted ,or between front and and shaman, will be more expression of painting , not only the figure, interesting as drawing quality.

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