Today's model
It has nice color and gray color is nice, also pattern you made on head and clothes, captured nice expression too. also light and shade, good.
You painted well remember oil painting after 30 years, your color is interesting as blueish gray, you captured expression of face of model and shows some kind of mood too. good.
Interesting composition and you could not finished today but next week you can finish this painting.
You work on previous painting by palette knife and mad textured all over, it is interesting that small touch of knife texture and you captured good lighting.
This is her father portrait and interesting effects of color and strong background color supporting gray face well, a little shy smile is good.
This her mother's portrait, she has normal skin color but has gray in background which supporting her face to comes out. it's good expression and happy looking.
Your realistic study is getting better and better, this has such a strong light hitting him and strong shadow, you can feel heat and hotness on beach. good colors too.
Your big canvas painting takes more time and also subject, it has balinese farm scene and will be interesting, looking forward to see the finish of this painting.
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